
Cookie Policy for FaithGPT

Last Updated: October 21, 2023

1. What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files stored on your device (computer, tablet, smartphone) when you visit certain websites. They help to provide a more personalized experience, understand user preferences, and improve the overall user experience.

2. How We Use Cookies

FaithGPT uses cookies for various purposes, such as saving user preferences, tracking user visits and activity, and enhancing the user experience on our website.

3. Types of Cookies We Use

We use session cookies (temporary) that expire once you close your browser, and persistent cookies (remain until you delete or they expire). We may use third-party cookies for analytics and advertising purposes.

4. Managing Cookies

Most browsers allow you to control cookies through their settings. You can accept, decline, or remove cookies. Note that if you decline or remove cookies, some website functionalities might be impacted.

5. Third-Party Cookies

We may partner with third-party services for analytics, advertising, or other functionalities. These third parties may set and access their cookies on our platform.

6. Changes to This Cookies Policy

We may occasionally make changes to this Cookies Policy. Any changes will be posted on this page, and if they are significant, we will notify you.

7. Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns about this Cookies Policy, please contact us.