Preparing for AI's Impact on Children Future Generations

Cover for Preparing for AI's Impact on Children Future Generations
Written byTonye Brown·
·7 minute read·
Table of Contents

A Note on AI & Tech in Ministry

This article discusses the potential uses of AI in church contexts. It's important to note that using AI in ministry is a choice, not a necessity. Churches should prayerfully consider whether and how to implement AI, respecting diverse opinions within their congregation.Learn more.


Navigating the treacherous yet exhilarating seas of parenthood, we often find ourselves as captains sailing by the stars of our Christian faith. It guides us through murky waters and unknown terrains — much like the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) that unfurls before our children's eyes.

Just as we carefully teach them to handle the responsibilities of driving, or the nuances of cooking with fire (or microwaves, or stovetops 😉), we must impart wisdom in their interaction with AI. The tools we provide for their journey are a tapestry of love, discipline, and discernment, woven throughout various stages of their lives.

This guide with 10 actionable steps serves as a chart by which to navigate, ensuring we introduce AI [and technology use in general] to our children with prudence and purpose, just as our Lord shepherds us through the ventures of life. A new chapter unfolds in the sprawling saga of humanity — where AI amplifies both opportunities and challenges.

Parents and guardians, you stand as the skilled narrators of this chapter, the first to introduce the wonders and cautions of AI to the wide-eyed listeners: your children.

Step 0: Begin with Prayer

Before handing over a tablet or smartphone (or whatever technology device), go to God in prayer. Seek divine wisdom (and also talk to other parents, friends, pastors, etc.) to understand the right moment for your child to begin engaging with technology and AI. You will get various opinions, but ultimately, you know your child best. Every child is different, but most children are the same in that they are curious and will want to explore.

As the world proceeds to advance in technology, it is inevitable that your child will encounter AI. AI is already present in most of the apps that you use (and if you have a child old enough, it's most likely in apps and games your child uses). It is important to be aware of this.

Let's dive in...

Placeholder image of a family together, discussing over a tablet with both digital content and an open Bible visible

Step 1: Supervised Exploration

The youthful explorer is inherently curious. Guide their voyage through the digital landscape with a watchful eye, ensuring that their interactions with AI and technology occur under loving supervision. This should be the norm until they are old enough to understand the dangers of the technology, internet and AI. For suggestions on how to do this, see our article A Tiered Approach to introducing technology and AI to children.

  • Example: Explore digital content together, whether it's a new app, a YouTube video, or a website. Use this time to teach them how to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly.

  • Recommendation: Establish clear boundaries and screen-time schedules. Join them in their digital quests, offering insights and answering their inquisitive queries. Have parental locks in place to prevent accidental exposure to inappropriate content.

Step 2: Understanding Through Play

Introduce your little ones to AI through interactive games and applications designed with educational purposes in mind. Playtime can be a portal to comprehension, where children learn the basics of AI functionality in a controlled and safe environment.

  • Example: Download a child-friendly app like "Osmo - Little Genius Starter Kit." This interactive game combines physical play with digital technology, helping kids understand the basics of coding and AI through storytelling and puzzles.
  • Recommendation: Seek out apps and games that foster learning about technology in an age-appropriate manner. Reassure them that AI is a tool, an elaborate helper for human hands, but not without its limits.

Step 3: Encouraging Critical Thinking

Introduce the notion that not everything AI generates is accurate or valuable. Nurture in your offspring the art of critical thinking, the seed that will grow to question, verify, and discern.

  • Example: After your child interacts with a virtual assistant like Siri or Alexa, discuss the answers given. If there are inaccuracies, point them out and explain how AI can make mistakes.
  • Recommendation: Engage in discussions about the content they encounter. Ask open-ended questions to encourage reflective thought: "What do you think about what the AI suggested?"

Step 4: Teaching About Privacy and Safety

As shepherds of innocence, we hold the duty to teach our children about the sanctuary of personal information. Educating them on privacy settings and the sanctity of identity is paramount in an AI-driven age.

  • Example: Demonstrate the importance of privacy by setting up parental controls together on their devices, explaining why some information, like their location or personal details, should remain private.
  • Recommendation: Illustrate through simple analogies why certain data should remain private. Model the behavior of safeguarding personal information even from seemingly benign AI interfaces.

image of children learning in an AI powered environment

Step 5: Balancing Virtual and Physical Worlds

In a realm where digital companionship is the norm, it's crucial to instill in children an appreciation for the tangible. Encourage a healthy balance between screen life and real-world experiences.

  • Example: Plan regular family outings, like hikes or visits to the local library, emphasizing the joy and learning that come from real-world interactions and experiences outside of technology.
  • Recommendation: Foster activities that are technology-free, such as outdoor play, reading, or family board games. These activities provide necessary downtime from the constant stimuli of AI and screens.

Step 6: Fostering Creativity and Innovation

AI thrives on creativity—the very spark that ignites the human spirit. Nurture your child's innate creativity, encouraging them to be innovators in their own right, who may one day shape the AI of tomorrow.

  • Example: Provide your child with basic robotics kits or simple coding tools like Scratch. Encourage them to create their own small projects, blending technology with their imagination.
  • Recommendation: Provide tools and resources that inspire your child to create—be it art, code, or inventions. Encourage projects that solve problems or tell stories, appealing both to their imagination and critical thinking.

Step 7: Emphasizing Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

While AI can simulate conversation and even emotion, it falls short of true empathy. Guide your child to develop deep emotional intelligence—the heart's language that machines cannot fathom.

  • Example: Volunteer together at local community events or charities. This real-life interaction nurtures empathy and understanding of emotions, contrasting the more superficial emotional responses from AI.
  • Recommendation: Engage in open discussions about feelings, both in personal interactions and in response to AI-generated content. Role-play scenarios where empathy is required, highlighting its importance over efficiency or logic.

Step 8: Navigating a World of Mixed Realities

As our environments become enhanced by AI-driven augmented and virtual realities, equip your child to navigate these spaces with discernment and a sense of self that is grounded in truth.

  • Example: Use an educational AR app to explore science or history, then visit a museum or historic site to experience the real thing. Discuss the differences and the value of each experience.
  • Recommendation: Use augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences as teachable moments to discuss the differences between enhancements and reality. Stress the importance of staying anchored in the truth amid shifting perceptions.

Step 9: Biblical Reflections on Technology

In the digital dance of zeros and ones, let us not forget the timeless wisdom of Scripture. Guide your young ones through biblical reflections on technology’s purpose and its place under God’s sovereignty.

  • Example: Share Bible stories that highlight wisdom, stewardship, and community. Discuss how these principles can guide our use of technology, helping us to use it responsibly and for the greater good.
  • Recommendation: Share stories and verses that emphasize stewardship, wisdom, and the value of human connection. Help them see technology as part of God's creative mandate for us to shape the world for good.

Step 10: Envisioning the Future with Hope

As children of light, we are not given to fear of the unknown. Encourage your child to envision their future with AI as one of hope and possibility, aligning with God's promises and their own aspirations.

  • Example: Discuss future technologies in a positive light, such as how AI might help solve global challenges. Encourage your child to imagine how they could contribute to this future in their own unique way.
  • Recommendation: Discuss aspirations and dreams, incorporating how AI may assist in achieving them. Plant seeds of hope by emphasizing their role as active participants in shaping a future where technology and faith coexist in harmony.


In the unfolding narrative of AI and its entanglement with our daily existence, the call to parents is clear—the charge is to prepare our children for this advance with love, guidance, and wisdom. With these ten practical steps laid out before you, I hope you find yourself equipped and encouraged to steer your child through the waves of change. Our aim is not to raise mere users of technology but architects of a future where AI serves human flourishing to the glory of God.

Bible Exploration, Supercharged with AI

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