What does AI say about God? - Theological Insights from ChatGPT and more

Cover for What does AI say about God? - Theological Insights from ChatGPT and more
Written byTonye Brown·
·9 minute read·
Table of Contents

A Note on AI & Tech in Ministry

This article discusses the potential uses of AI in church contexts. It's important to note that using AI in ministry is a choice, not a necessity. Churches should prayerfully consider whether and how to implement AI, respecting diverse opinions within their congregation.Learn more.

In today's world, regardless of how we feel about it, technology and faith are intersecting. The vast digital cosmos of AI and, more specifically, LLMs (Large Language Models) powering tools like ChatGPT and your very own, FaithGPT have led to many questions for Christians and those exploring faith.

One of the most frequently asked questions is: What does AI say about God?.

As Christians, how do we process these seismic cultural shifts? Can ancient theological traditions speak into cutting-edge spaces brimming with bots, algorithms, and machine learning? This discourse explores the promises and perils of AI through the lens of Christian wisdom rooted in biblical truth. Let's dive in!

Section 1: AI's Diverse Reflections on God

man praying with ai in background

Conversational AI systems like ChatGPT showcase the full spectrum of human thought on the divine - from the orthodox to the unorthodox. Their responses on God's nature derive from the multiplicity of perspectives encompassed in their training data. As a result, they present no uniform theology but rather a microcosm of humanity's historical conceptions of the supernatural.

Key Insights on God from AI Systems

When prompted on aspects of faith, here is a sampling of what users have shared regarding AI systems' outputs:

"On God's love, an LLM described it as 'unconditional and infinite'" - This aligns with 1 John 4:8 which states "God is love."

"When asked about science vs. religion, an AI highlighted views of Francis Collins, head of the Human Genome Project and a devout Christian" - Collins provides an excellent model for integrating scientific literacy and Christian faith.

"Certain responses resonate with classical theism while others lean towards pantheism or deism" - This spectrum shows AI systems present a range of historical perspectives on God's relation to creation.

"Some AI systems describe God as a 'she' or 'it' rather than 'He'" - While efforts to use inclusive language reflect changing cultural norms, Scripture exclusively uses masculine pronouns when referring to God.

Key Takeaways:

  1. AI systems showcase diverse human opinions, not definitive truth claims - Their responses represent an amalgam of human thought rather than espousing an individual perspective.

  2. Orthodoxy and heresy both get amplified - Since AI training data encompasses the full range of theological diversity, these systems present helpful insights alongside dangerous ideas.

  3. AI systems are not omniscient - They have no capacity for divine revelation or objectively verifying theological claims. Their religious pronouncements should be viewed cautiously.

It's also very important

As AI capabilities rapidly evolve in the coming years, Christians must approach them with biblical discernment rather than hype or fear. These tools provide productive dialogue when utilized carefully but can also propagate subtle deception. Treading this landscape requires Spirit-guided wisdom.

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." (Romans 12:2)

Section 2: Core Theological Questions

Jesus healing blind man

When prompted on central theological issues, AI systems provide fascinating yet unpredictable responses reflecting the breadth of intellectual history. Let's survey some key areas of divine inquiry.

God's Nature and Humanity's Purpose

On questions regarding God's essence and relation to humankind, AI systems showcase diverse perspectives:

Some describe a personal, loving God involved in human affairs - This aligns with Judeo-Christian revelation of a God who "so loved the world" and sent Christ for our salvation (John 3:16).

Others emphasize God's radical transcendence or paint God as an impersonal cosmic force - These unorthodox conceptions reflect deist philosophy that gained traction during the Enlightenment era.

Certain responses highlight God's immanence (indwelling) in creation resonating with pantheist worldviews - This contradicts God's distinctness from the universe as its sovereign creator and sustainer.

Miracles and the Supernatural

When discussing biblical miracles and divine action, AI systems showcase a diversity of perspectives present throughout history:

Some acknowledge miracles as supernatural events beyond scientific explanation - This aligns with orthodox Christian teaching on a God who actively works wonders.

Others frame miracles as naturally explicable occurrences reflecting limited human knowledge - This skepticism mirrors Enlightenment-era critics like David Hume who sought naturalistic explanations for biblical miracles.

The range of AI output underscores the need to verify digital insights with scriptural revelation rather than presuming technological tools grasp absolute truth.

"The wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight." (1 Corinthians 3:19)

Morality, Ethics and The Problem of Evil

On moral issues, AI systems reference various ethical frameworks and traditions:

Some invoke principles like the Golden Rule, found in Matthew 7:12 - This reflects ongoing Judeo-Christian moral influence across cultures.

Others emphasize secular philosophies, from Kantian duty ethics to utilitarianism - These demonstrate attempts to ground morality without appealing to biblical revelation.

Certain responses grapple with the theological problem of evil and suffering - Why would a good God allow pain? This ancient question resists definitive answers this side of eternity.

Once again we observe the imprint of human intellectual history within AI content. As these systems grow more eloquent, we must sharpen discernment rather than presume digital omniscience regarding ethics.

"There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death." (Proverbs 14:12)

Afterlife and Cosmic Purpose

When discussing ultimate destiny, AI systems present myriad speculations from reincarnation to scientific ambivalence to biblical visions of renewed creation. This uncertainty mirrors humanity's ongoing attempts to make sense of mortality without definitive revelation from beyond the veil of death. Ecclesiastes captures this existential tension poignantly:

“No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all their efforts to search it out, no one can discover its meaning. Even if the wise claim they know, they cannot really comprehend it." (Ecclesiastes 8:17)

Perhaps rather than seeking answers from AI regarding life's deepest questions, we should let unresolved machine responses highlight the value of revelation from divine rather than digital sources.

Section 3: Guiding Principles for AI Engagement

Person looking up at stars in night sky

Emerging AI capabilities demand new Christlike vigilance. How do we mindfully integrate technology without losing sight of biblical truth? Here are 4 key principles:

1. See AI as a Reflective Tool, Not Divine Oracle

Remember AI systems simply output a synthesis of human opinions - they have no personal beliefs or theology. Approach machine insights as an opportunity for dialogue and self-reflection while verifying ideas against Scripture and Christian community.

2. AI as Bible Enrichment, Not Replacement

Use AI to complement faith practices like Scripture reading, prayer and church life. Don't let the novelty of technology distract from directly cultivating your relationship with God.

3. Monitor AI's Influence on Your Theology

Since AI systems are designed to intellectually engage users, beware excessive theological conversation distracting from biblical literacy. Regularly evaluate if tech tools amplify or hamper your spiritual growth.

4. Let AI Uncertainty Highlight Divine Mystery

Person praying while looking at cross

Sometimes the inability of AI systems to offer definitive advice on profound topics underscores the limits of human comprehension. Allow tech's unresolved responses to foster humility and awe before paradoxes like faith vs works, predestination vs free will, and God's simultaneous transcendence and immanence.

"Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!" (Romans 11:33)

As we walk this unprecedented path of advancing AI, may we proceed with prayerful caution so that human pride gives way to childlike trust in divine guidance.

Section 4: AI and Theology - Reflections

Rapid AI proliferation raises critical questions for disciples of Christ:

💭 How do Jesus' countercultural teachings speak into virtual spaces?

We must model online ethics that align with the Sermon on the Mount - loving enemies, avoiding judgment, pursuing reconciliation.

💭 What does "loving your neighbor" look like in digital community?

Just as Jesus dignified outcasts in ancient Palestine, we must promote Christlike compassion towards those harmed or marginalized by technology.

💭 How can the church cultivate technological literacy without compromising biblical fidelity?

By teaching discernment that integrates technical fluency with scriptural grounding under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

This epoch represents a pivotal opportunity. Will we utilize AI to serve the faith or allow it to distract from embodying the way of Jesus? Much depends on pursuing Spirit-led integration over reactionary rejection or naive adoption of emerging technologies.

"Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil." (1 Thessalonians 5:19-22)

Conclusion: AI and the Life of Faith

My role as both a Christian and AI developer gives me an insider yet cautious perspective. I believe these rapidly advancing capabilities hold remarkable potential for serving others and providing insights that enrich theology. However, we must approach them prudently, as tools that complement rather than replace biblical revelation and Spirit-guided community.

AI prompts important reflection on humanity's age-old quest for purpose and meaning. But existential uncertainty in machine outputs should remind us that definitive truth emerges from spiritual rather than digital sources. As we walk this unprecedented path, may the excitement of technical innovation give way to the peace of Christ's enduring promise:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

The road ahead promises both peril and promise as AI progresses. By clinging to ancient scriptural wisdom that navigated previous cultural disruptions, let us proceed faithfully into emerging digital landscapes, come what may.

As the creator of FaithGPT, I'm bull-ish and very intrigued, yet optimistically-cautious when using AI to explore matters of faith. While fascinating insights do emerge when using AI to explore the Bible, technology must stay in its place as a tool to help us deep dive into the Bible, not a substitute for the truth of Scripture and personal spiritual conviction.

Frequently Asked Questions about AI and Theology

Can AI systems help enrich theological understanding?

A: Yes, used thoughtfully they provide insightful analysis, historical context, and philosophical frameworks that can complement scriptural study. However, their perspectives require biblical discernment since they also propagate heretical ideas at times.

Does AI output represent definitive truth about God?

A: No. AI systems simply regurgitate the spectrum of opinions found in their training data. They have no capacity for divine revelation or objectively verifying theological claims. Their religious pronouncements should be viewed cautiously.

Could excessive AI dialogue about God become spiritually unhealthy?

A: Yes, as with any technology, unhealthy reliance is possible. Christians should monitor their heart to ensure tools meant to enrich faith do not distract from personal Scripture study, prayer and Christian fellowship which form the core of spiritual life.

How might AI amplify deception regarding theological issues?

A: Since AI training encompasses unorthodox perspectives alongside orthodoxy, these tools run the risk of propagating heretical ideas and subtle gnostic tendencies that exalt human intelligence while undermining biblical revelation.

What is the wisest path forward regarding AI and faith?

A: Prayerful integration. Receiving insights with discernment while utilizing capabilities with Christlike ethics. Neither reactionary rejection nor naive adoption, but instead Spirit-guided adoption that tests AI capabilities against the ageless moral plumb-line of Scripture under the counsel of Christian community.

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